What to Expect at Your First Car Show

Car shows are the perfect place to connect with like-minded individuals, learn more about new models and technology, or show off your own four wheels of pride and joy. In the United States, there are four major car shows a year: Detroit, Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles. Whether you’re simply attending one of these big events or proudly exhibiting a car in a local show, it never hurts to come fully prepared for the day’s events. Let’s take a look at what to expect at a standard car show, whether you entering your own carefully maintained vehicle or simply exploring the scene for the love of cars.

What to Expect at a Car Show

Car shows are packed full of new reveals and old classics. Long parades of convertibles, hybrids, luxury cars, performance vehicles and trucks all take to the stage to show enthusiasts what new enhancements are hitting the market.  Old, out-of-production classics are also often found alongside these showcases, painstakingly restored and kept in mint condition in preparation for just such events. Oftentimes car shows include other ancillary events, such as racing, technology demonstrations, and contests. And of course, to keep the show-goers satisfied, there is always plenty of food.

How to Enter a Car in a Car Show

Is your car well-maintained? Are you excited to show off your restoration skills or your one-of-a-kind customization job? Then there’s no better place to do this than at a car show. Each car show is different, but most have a predictable, easy to follow format.  Here are a few steps to get you started in the right direction:

1.       Find the Right Show for Your Car

Each show has different qualifications. Make sure that your car is right for the show you have your eye on. If you are having trouble finding the right show for you, talk to local car clubs, and also local car dealers or mechanics that specialize in your type of vehicle.

2.       Get Involved

If this is your first time, there is great benefit to learning the ropes from more experienced exhibitors. Join your local car club to make new friends and learn the ins and outs of car show participation.

3.       Register

Each show will have different registration requirements and entry fees, so do your research well ahead of time. Once you have found the right show for you, register online or reach out to the show coordinators for information on how to enter. After registration, you will receive information on how and where to bring your car on show day. Expect that you will need to be with your car during the show to answer questions from show attendees.

 How to Prepare Your Car

Before you take those wheels to the show, it’s important that you get your vehicle into top-notch condition. Start with a good wash and wax, ensure that your car is impeccably clean, both inside and out. This means giving that engine a good once-over as well. You will want your vehicle to look flawless at the car show, so you may even consider giving it fresh paint job or vinyl wrap. Consider creating a spec sheet to post on your car (features, performance, etc.) for curious show goers, and have answers ready for those who have questions about your vehicle.

If your car show is far away, you may have to consider shipping it in order to ensure it shows up in pristine condition. There are many transport companies that can help you prevent damage to your precious vehicle during travel.


With many contests, demonstrations, debuts, and a multitude of makes and models to learn about, car shows offer you a great place to talk shop with owners and manufacturers, and to learn about all the myriad cars on the market. Whether you’re a car connoisseur or new to the scene, car shows offer you the perfect venue in which to share your love of automobiles.

Monumental Workx


  • Tuesday – Saturday : 10am – 6pm
  • Sunday – Monday: CLOSED